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          10 days: Ski Tour Artos 3535m-Süphan 4058m - Ararat 5165m.

Brief description: Climb the "Holy Mountain" with skis, marvel at the barren and rough beauty of Lake Van, acclimatize yourself on two great ski mountains, take your time for the ascent of the high summit. Enjoy Kurdish hospitality, gain insights into the culture of Eastern Anatolia, fly home with a fantastic week of ski touring in mind. With its even, not too steep flanks, Mount Ararat is an ideal ski mountain and a large and "exotic" destination that, apart from excellent physical condition, does not require above-average ability required on skis. Nevertheless, the ski ascent of a five-thousander is a demanding undertaking simply because of the height. The journey begins with two big tours on perfect ski mountains high above Lake Van, which also bring acclimatization for Mount Ararat: Mt. Artos (3570 m) and Mt. Süphan (4058 m). When climbing Mount Ararat, you have four days including time reserve for the approximately 3,000 vertical meters to the summit - of which around 2,500 vertical meters are ski ascent/descent. Depending on the snow conditions and the possibility of using horses, the tent camp is reached (between 3000 m and 3700 m altitude). The ascent to the summit is technically easy and can be done almost entirely on skis, but strenuous because of the altitude. When the weather is nice, there is a wide view of Anatolia, Iran and Armenia from the summit. And then (hopefully) ... a roaring "firn descent"!

Day 1: Flight via Istanbul to Van, transfer to the hotel. Overnight stay in Van(A).

Day 2: Akdamar Island: Drive to Gevas, lunch, then a one-hour boat trip to the island of Akdamar with the famous Armenian church from the medieval era. Shortly before sunset we visit the Van Castle (Tusba) from the Urartian period. When the weather is nice, you can enjoy a wonderful sunset over Lake Van, the largest lake in Turkey. Overnight in Van. (F/M/A)

Day 3: Ski tour Mt. Artos (3,470 m): The first ski tour takes place on one of the most beautiful ski mountains in Eastern Anatolia, the Artos, located directly on Lake Van. We drive again 45 minutes to Gevas and start right from the edge of this small town, at 1,800 m, depending on the snow conditions. The climb usually takes 4 - 5 hours (depending on how fit the group is). The climb, the effort is worth it, because the view from this 3,537 m high mountain is enormous, offering the wide Lake Van and the high mountains of eastern Anatolia is a pleasure to the eye. A racy descent awaits us and the second part of the reward is usually a firn descent along the same route. The steepest parts of the mountain are almost 40°, on average around 30°, the route length is 5.5 km. After a ski tour, a cold beer by the lake feels good. Overnight stay in Van or in Adilcevaz. (F/BL/A)

Day 4: Ski tour Mt. Süphan (4,058 m): Today the third highest mountain in Turkey is on the agenda, namely the volcano Mt. Süphan (4,058 m), which last did its last mischief about 10,000 years ago. The climb begins in the last village of Kiskili at 2,400 m and takes place over the eastern flank of the mountain. We first climb over wide, snow-covered areas to the shoulder of the mountain, 3,750 m, and imagine the thrilling descent. From here it gets steeper. The Süphan also offers a fantastic view over Lake Van, but this time from the north side of the lake. The descent is an eternally long route. The steepness does not exceed 35°, the length of the route is approx. 7 km on the ascent, depending on the snow conditions in the gullies, the descent can be over 10 km to the village of Aydinlar. We drive back to the hotel. (F/BL/A)

Day 5: Van - Dogubayazit: Today we drive to the easternmost corner of Turkey, to Dogubayazit, and here is also the holy mountain of Noah, the extinct volcano Mt. Ararat with its mighty height of 5,165 m Turkey's youngest volcano, as it was still active towards the end of the century before last. On the drive to Dogubayazit we make a stop at the Muradiye Waterfall, which carries a lot of water, especially at this time of year, and is a treat for the eyes. When we arrive at the hotel, we rest, make the final preparations and look forward to the mountain, which is on the agenda the next day. (F/BL/A)

Day 6: Dogubayazit – Base Camp: After breakfast we drive briefly into the city to introduce ourselves to the military and do the final checks. Then it's a 45-minute walk to the small settlement of Eli. Here the things are loaded onto the pack horses. We hike for about 4 - 5 hours to the base camp. The height of the base camp is variable, depending on the snow situation. This varies between 3300 m and 3500 m. After a cozy dinner, we settle down early in the tents, rest and look forward to the summit (B/L/D)

Day 7: Summit day: Early in the morning around 1 a.m. it's time to get up and look forward to the summit. We climb slowly, the air becomes thinner. At 4,900 m we step on glaciers. If the slopes are not blown, you can ski to the summit. The chance of reaching the summit on skis is 50/50. When the weather is nice, there is an incomparably beautiful view from the Mountain of Noah. We look into the countries of Iran, Armenia and further up to the Caucasus. We enjoy the descent to the base camp at a gradient of around 35°, here we enjoy a second breakfast and rest a bit. After the rest break, it's time to clear camp and continue on to the starting point. We go back to the hotel in Dogubayazit, where we can enjoy the shower and bed again. Dinner. Overnight in camp. (F,L,A)

Day 8: Reserve day: This day is a reserve day. If the weather is bad on the summit day, we use this day as a reserve day for the summit. Otherwise we descend again to the settlement of Eli and continue to Dogubayazit to the hotel. If the reserve day on the mountain is used, you will descend directly from the summit to the hotel on this day. (F, depending on F,M,A). In the afternoon, visit the legendary site of the stranding of Noah's Ark and drive to one of the most beautifully situated palace complexes, the İşak Paşa Palace, above the city, sightseeing tour. return journey; Overnight at hotel. (F/BL/A)

Day 9: Reserve day: This day is a reserve day. If the weather is bad on the summit day, we use this day as a reserve day for the summit. Otherwise we descend again to the settlement of Eli and continue to Dogubayazit to the hotel. If the reserve day on the mountain is used, you will descend directly from the summit to the hotel on this day. (F, depending on F,M,A). In the afternoon, visit the legendary site of the stranding of Noah's Ark and drive to one of the most beautifully situated palace complexes, the İşak Paşa Palace, above the city, sightseeing tour. return journey; Overnight at hotel. (F/L/A)

Day 10: Flight home: We drive to Van to the airport very early in the morning. Flight to Istanbul and on to home or optional extension in Istanbul.

(F) Meals: F = breakfast, M = lunch, A = dinner, BL = lunch (cold lunch package)

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Without flights  730,-€  with all flights  1580,-€

Single room / tent - surcharge: 120,-€ 


03/16 - 04/25/2024

04/06 - 04/15/2024

04/13 - 04/22/2024

04/20 - 04/29/2024

Trip: Artos-Süphan - Ararat Ski in 10 days Number of participants: 2-16

Requirement: 3 boots

Overnight stay in tent     : 4 nights

Hotel overnight stay: 2 nights in a 3*** hotel

Artos-Süphan - Ararat


  • State-certified mountain guide (according to Turkish law, this is necessary in the Ararat National Park)

  • German or English speaking mountain guide

  • Permit on site or from Ankara for climbing Ararat

  • Fees for entry to Ararat National Park (50 € / person)

  • all flights via Ist. and back -all transfers according to the program

  • Transportation of the main luggage by horses on the Ararat to the camp

  • Support team

  • Full meals and picnic equipment on the mountain,

  • Cook

  • Water throughout the tour

  • Hotel overnight stays in double rooms with half board; Single room for an additional charge

  • Two-man tents, sleeping mats (5cm); Individual tents for an additional charge

  • Excursions according to the program

  • Entrance fees



  • unmentioned meals beverages

  • individual excursions and visits outside of the program Personal expenses

  • Single room / tent - supplement:

Eigene Wunschtermine für Mai - Oktober auf Anfrage - ab 2 Personen Durchführung garantiert       

CHARACTERISTICS OF THE TOUR These tours require good physical fitness and good skiing skills. The climbs and descents are consistently long. On average, 1,400 - 1,600 meters of altitude have to be overcome per day, which is why the descents are correspondingly long. The maximum steepness of the routes is around 30°. The selected mountains are ideal ski mountains for enthusiastic ski mountaineers. Great, exotic destinations that require no special skiing skills apart from the necessary fitness.


Program changes: During this trip, despite careful preparation, changes to the program due to unforeseeable events can be expected. These can arise due to weather conditions or short-term changes as a result of legal regulations, political decisions or health problems of participants, etc. In any case, we will try to carry out the travel program within the framework of what is responsible or , if not possible, to organize an equivalent alternative program. We look forward to having you with us! This trip will offer you many unforgettable experiences and impressions of a grandiose, extraordinary natural and cultural world. If you feel addressed by this trip, we look forward to welcoming you to our group

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